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North Dakota fans of Bollywood star Mohit Chauhan might be interested in learning that he is currently facing a civil lawsuit in the U.S. alleging that he breached a contract to perform. According to sources, the plaintiff company is demanding that he be ordered to pay them half a million dollars in damages.

The plaintiff, an event management company called ProMarcom Inc., alleges that Chauhan signed a contract agreeing to perform at a concert in the U.S. The concert was originally scheduled for June 2015. It was postponed when Chauhan told the company that he did not have his own band, something ProMarcom representatives say they were not aware of before the contract was signed.

The concert was rescheduled for September 2015. At that time, Chauhan allegedly told ProMarcom that he was unable to perform because a band member was suffering from dengue fever. The company then pushed the concert’s scheduled date back to November 2015. Just prior to boarding the airplane, ProMarcom claims that Chauhan then called demanding a higher daily spending allowance for his manager, who is also his spouse, as well as a copy of the contract. The company reportedly told him that would be taken care of when he landed, but he refused to board. Chauhan disputes the allegations of the lawsuit, claiming that the company breached the contract and that he did not.

When a contract dispute centers around a breach that is so severe it destroys the heart of the contract, litigation may be necessary to resolve the issue. Minor breaches are often able to be resolved outside of the litigation process. People who are involved in contract disputes may want to consult with a business and commercial law attorney about their options.